Welcome to the Geekiverse: Where Knowledge Meets Passion!

Tech enthusiasts meet at Bennett University’s Geeks for Geeks Society. Through hackathons, workshops, and cooperation, we promote learning, creativity, and skill development. Come along with us as we investigate the world of technology and code!

Why Join Geeks For Geeks ?

Skill Enhancement

Students who join the Geeks for Geeks Society have the chance to greatly improve their technical abilities. Members can develop their programming skills through workshops, coding challenges, and practical projects.

Collaborative Work

The club gives students a venue to interact with classmates who share a love for technology. In addition to encouraging teamwork, hackathons provide participants the chance to expand their professional networks.

Career Advancement

Participation in the Geeks for Geeks Club could boost a candidate’s resume and increase their appeal to companies. Their ability to distinguish themselves in a competitive job market by gaining real-world experience..


Spin The Code Challenge !

Spin The Code is a coding competition to evaluate the students on the basis of the quality of their code and their teamwork skills which are heavily in demand in the corporate environment. It shaped students to work in all kinds of situations, tough or worse, and pushed them forward towards the journey of becoming a professional.


Code Date

Code-Date is a two day event, which included a preliminary round to shortlist Top 10 pairs, that compete in the final treasure hunt. This astounding opportunity give the participants a chance to interact with new people, develop problem solving capabilities in an interesting way- Coding by not really coding, but by solving clues and riddles! 

Meet With Our Team Members

Tanisha Singh


Tanmay Verma

Vice Chairperson

Ritik Singh


Abhinav Changil

PR And Out Reach

Frequently Asked

What is the Geeks for Geeks Society, and what is its primary focus?

The Geeks for Geeks Society is a thriving community of tech enthusiasts at Bennett University. Our primary focus is to provide a platform for students to explore and enhance their technical skills, collaborate on innovative projects, and foster a culture of continuous learning in the field of technology.

To become a member, you can typically attend our membership drives or registration events at the beginning of the academic year. Keep an eye out for announcements and updates on our social media channels and posters around campus for details on how to join.

We organize a wide range of activities and events, including coding competitions, hackathons, workshops, tech talks, and collaborative projects. These events cater to various skill levels, from beginners to experienced coders, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

Beginners are absolutely welcome! The Geeks for Geeks Society is open to students of all skill levels. We believe in nurturing talent and helping members grow, whether you’re just starting or have years of experience.

Being part of our society offers numerous benefits, including skill enhancement, networking opportunities, and the chance to build a strong portfolio of tech projects. It can enhance your resume, improve your problem-solving abilities, and create a valuable professional network that can benefit you in your academic and future career pursuits.

What Makes Geeks for Geeks Society Special?

The Bennett University's Geeks for Geeks Society is a thriving and dynamic group that benefits from the passion of tech-savvy people. Our society offers students a platform to explore their enthusiasm for technology, coding, and problem-solving because it places a heavy emphasis on establishing a culture of learning and creativity.  Join us as we geek out and advance technology together on this thrilling voyage!